## MVP
Date: 2022-08-23
Participants: Bruna, Vas, Nick
- aspects:
- public activity page
- listed on the public group page
- email confirmation/registration bureaucracy
- random URL
- specify location, independently of place
- activitypub federation :)
- chat for non-members/public
- captcha
- anonymous signup without email confirmation bureaucracy
- pretty url (e.g. karrot.world/#/go/party-in-the-park)?
- one-time activity vs activity series
- activity image
- share link
- scenarios
- "dave case" -> share a semi-private link in a telegram channel, anon/captcha signup (?)
- general public events -> listed on public page, nice url? like meetup.com, etc...
- giving an idea of how many people might join?
- introduction pickup ->
- questions?
- is there a minimum number of public slots? no.. could be 0, e.g. some general public events
- if there was a chat who can join? public? or just for members?
- should be some of the activity information be hidden from the public view?
- if people signup via email, what emails would they get?
- event details?
- chat notifications? could be confusing...
- what would be an MVP?
- public activity page
- random URL
- one-time activities only
- no public signup, information only
- activity image?
- a shitty signup option?
- hard to get something minimal
- chat without having to register?
- hard to get something minimal
- next level up?
- public signup, captcha? email loop? <--- which one?
- needing to contact people about the event, so email is good for that...
- the email loop thing could be nice for getting the confirmed information about the activity?
- listing on public group page
## Prototype
For the mockup...
Flow of creating a public activity from member's perspective:
- start by entering Manage Activities
- choose either Series or One-time
- choose type of activity
- choose date and time
- toggle make it public
- choose slots for group members
- choose slots for non-group members
- information
- add banner image
- preview
- Create
- dialog to copy the URL for the activity
From the perspective of a non-member:
- get the URL and lands on a page where the main focus is the activity
- Can see banner image, place and a map (if place has a location), description/info, date and time, and slots to sign-up
- click on join
- provide name and e-mail (not publicly displayed)
- question of whether to provide phone number and where to display it
- there's a chat for the activity and person gets subscribed to it
Date: 2022-08-02 20:00 (CEST)
Participants: Bruno, Vas, Nick
- do 3 tests/inteviews more or less
- quick test, not an advanced prototype
- it would be good to have both perspectives: members and non-members
- as soon as there's some interaction - signup for activity or chat - it's much more work and many considerations, like prevent spam
- MVP: just the activity info displayed
- prototype would be done with interactions
- question: should non-members be able to see members who joined an activity?
- expect not to display this information to profile
- different use cases: events for random people, activities that would be shared more discretely (a secret link?)
- do we display slots or number of people attending?
- slots feel more familiar, also consistent with participant types for the future
## Karrot Days
draft of the session:
- present briefly the concept “breaking the silo”, what we mean by that + introduce other methaphors (Vas)
- present briefly the design process, how we’ve met, what we did so far (Bruno)
- 5 min
- present the map (Vasilis) --> big one visual map + consumer culture vs participatory culture - https://community.karrot.world/t/breaking-the-silo-1-defining-the-challenge/894/
- 10 min
- round of reactions
- what would they prioritize/focus on?
- the sketch(es) - https://community.karrot.world/t/breaking-the-silo-2-sketch/910
- 10 min
- storyboard (Bruno) - https://excalidraw.com/#room=9d2a45014b750ffe790c,puQu8UwgaivFRaEarNjJAA
- 5 min
- input on the ideas/solutions as round of reactions from questions:
- What do you think of the scenarios and sketches?
- Do you see a scenario that we missed and would require a entirely different solution?
- What was the most useful thing you’ve seen?
- What was the least useful thing?
- whiteboard “voting” (the dots?)
- decide on the solution that we will implement in its simplest version
- Public events/activities
- Contact button with form
- Subscribe for updates
- ...
- thinking together session instead of a worshop
- a bit of framing around breaking the silo --> we ll need some visuals
- coordinate with the volunteers example
- breaking the silo: infrastucture need in between groups/communities
Date: 2022-04-15
co-working sessioon
Participants: Vasilis, Nick
aim: create a text that merges and reflects on the ideas/concerns/thoughts shared during our fist 'breaking the silo' design call (notes above)
Natalie spend more time talking on a more internal way of breaking the silo and expressed her concerns on that once again. What she suggested is that for her volunteering and governance work together are very conncted. So while breaking the silo and allowing ppl from the periphery to participate in for example pickups…so making volunteering easier sounds interesting but it should be in a way that does not turn volunteers into pickup machines, freelancers of some sort. More volunteers of that sort less cohesion in a group which can alter the purpose of a group if that would be to create a community based on solidarity, care and building relationships. Breaking the silo in this context should not lead to a service-model of consumption
Dave was one of the first ppl that shared his views on breaking the silo and his general idea has been to make it easier for ppl in the periphery to join the activities of a group without them having to go through the process of becoming a member of a group. He referred to those ppl in the periphery as society that can can participate in positive change without being overwhelmed with socials…there is signal, fb groups…ppl are fed up with so many different apps. How can we make it easier for ppl to join without having to log in to another tool?
From my experience…from some use cases…
In relation to 03instream social media e.g. FB I was seeing the interactions from ppl getting the food on fb. I was getting put up a lot with this consumer like logic and culture of FB. So you would have ppl commenting how come there is nothing left? I think its important to try and bring ppl in a different digital space where more direct relationships can be created…not ephemeral…where food to be saved is not 1 of the 1000….scroll down all that happening…
And I can see the potential in what Dave has mentioned…invite them to some activities…
Another use case…is the public face of a group where groups mostly use fb or other socials for that reason. On fb or insta pages they advocate against foodwaste they present their initiative etc. Here in sweden its funny cause ppl google donate food and solikyl comes on top and then they ll contact us but they are in Stokcholm or another city..so what happens is that I ll then contact ppl from stock on Karrot and let them know of this donation. ← due to this fault intergroup breaking the silo is already happening though. One idea we had is to create a sweden group on Karrot but we havent yet.
Create a sweden group
From a technical point of view it can be a good step to allowing ppl to interact without having the burden that Dave mentioned before which would ask some safeguarding though from existing members
I think it would also be nice to create a place that allows for anonymous posting where ppl can share some sort of general feedback let’s say…it could be a place on Karrot…anonymous can be controversial and risky but on this place ppl who are receiving the food could write as well
For me braking the silo covers a big range of cases. Intergroup communication, groups with the karrot team, outsiders who want to set up a group and want to contact existing initiatives, broader communities, ppl receiving, supermarkets? I positively commented on Natalies concern to avoid creating a consumerist model by making it easier for ppl to join pickups and also Johns comment on how the digital could support breaking the gap between an initiative and ppl that receive the food saved through a distribution event for example.
Nick said that the existing situation at least on Karrot is more of closed groups that deal with themselves. Of course in their localities that is not the case as most of the groups, maybe all of them, do have connections and affiliations with other organisations and places in the areas they are operating.
Nick suggested the following different modes of interaction
Other groups that use karrot (intergroup)
Other groups that don't use Karrot
The general public (so far fb is the main thing groups use → shop front to engage with ppl)
Ppl who are in the periphery, a lighter way to interact with it