<!-- CoMe facilitation advice and requirements: https://git.kanthaus.online/kanthaus/kanthaus-governance/src/branch/master/documents/coordinationMeeting/coMeFacilitationAdvice.md --> # CoMe #378 * Date: 2025-01-13 * Facilitator: Timber * Notary: * Physical calendar: * Todo board: * Present: --- <!-- Time for reflection --> ## 0. Check-in round ## 1. Last week review ### Stats <!-- Copy in the stats section from #kanthaus-residence after 9:45 on CoMe day. --> <!-- Don't just read this out! Summarize or skip! --> ![usage graph last 90 days](https://pad.kanthaus.online/uploads/7efd98b0-4ece-4ea2-879e-4bd409ffb8f3.png "Usage during the last 90 days") *(Usage during the last 90 days)* - **Present:** 19.1 people/day (+0.6) - **🌡️ Average outdoor temperature:** 1.6 °C (+0.5 °C) - **⚡ Electricity** - usage: 150.98 €/week - of that for heating: 77.51 €/week - of that for K20 warm water: 11.08 €/week - of that for K20-3 heatpump: 10.74 €/week - paid: 144.9 €/week - ☀️ self produced: 14% (⬇️-6%) - emissions: 124 kg CO₂ₑ/week - **💧 Water** - paid: 26.27 €/week (⬆️+19%) - emissions: 2.0 kg CO₂ₑ/week ### Money * -19.80€ for 2 Resttonerbehälter [Doug] * -100€ for email hosting fees (Uberspace) [Antonin] * -5.40€ for photos [Marynia] ### Happenings - new year's party with amazing food and lots of nice company - snow! - new moon fire - adventures in Leipzig - anti sugar actions - "winter bed" appeared in silent office - first self care hour - meditation workshop - neighbourhood brunch - watching a lot of series ## 2. This week planning ### People arriving and leaving _(Discuss, don't record) -> see "People" calendar_ ### Evaluations and check-ins Due for evaluation (and seen within the last 7 days): ### [Schedule](https://cloud.kanthaus.online/apps/calendar/) **Please put events directly in the digital calendar!** ## To do → done ## Discussion & announcements * _Shopping plans? Positive/negative (self-)feedback? Open visitor requests?_ * _Prioritise smaller & more urgent points (bring bigger points to PlaMe)_ * _Per round, each person can raise one point_ * **No sensitive information!** (External names, contacts, passwords, etc) ### Round 1 * [Astrid] i want to schedule a singing round / heart sharing circle * [Timber] Widersetzen orga people are coming today till Wednesday * is the attic tidy enough? who feels responsible for preparing it? * [Caspi] I will organize a demo Clownworkshop in April. I sent a mail recording that. would be nice to get a answer if its possible. * anybody willing to take this on? -> Antonin will reply * [Janina] Kola harvesting for us and/or Riesa * i'm in contact with kanta about it and they'd appreciate food for the küfa on saturday for 1k people, but they don't desperately need it * the food * for riesa would need to be in connewitz on friday morning, logistics are still unclear but we can basically always lend kanta's car * would anyone be up for going to kola and harvesting veggies sometime in the next days, latest on thursday? * [matthias] I lost a black wool power sock 40-44 I guess in the communal laundry, if it accidentally reappears I am happy to have it stored away somewhere for me :-) (picture in mattermost stuff, maybe it reappears in today's communal closet sorting?) * [Larissa] Info about the weekend-group, bouth attics will be occupied * [Rob] Self Care Hour: Since there is Power Hour I thought it also would be nice to care about ourself collectivly. I realized that "self care" means a lot of times to isolate myself from others and be for my self. I would like to support a room where people can be for themselfs but together. Idea: Starting with meditation and going over to an aware and free room, where people can share impulses like, painting, massaging, streching, acroyoga, reading together etc., but also can be "alone" and do what feels good for you with people in the room who do the same. Question: Who is interested, when would be a good time and date (espacialy to JaTiLa, because of the kids)? I thought about Sunday evening 21:00. (next sunday is not the best time because of Riesa) ### Round 2 * [Rob] ePa (elektronische Patientenakte) will apply automaticaly on the 15.01.25 if you dont contradict. It should be a easy way to manage data, but it is also a easy way to get to your personal data. I heared that it is very simple to hack. So if your personal data is valuable to you you can make an contradiction (there are digital formulars, but I did it over the phone). * [CCC talk](https://media.ccc.de/v/38c3-konnte-bisher-noch-nie-gehackt-werden-die-elektronische-patientenakte-kommt-jetzt-fr-alle) * [Astrid] widersetzen haustürgespräche Donnerstag in Riesa who wants to join? ## [Task lottery & food planning](https://kanthaus.gitlab.io/task-lottery/) * _Serve lunch: 13:00_ * _Serve dinner: 19:00_ * _Free shop Tuesday shift: ~14:30 - 17:30_ * _Free shop Thursday shift: ~09:30 - 12:30_ ### Volunteers * **Mon. dinner:** Widersetzen, people * **Tue. dinner:** * **Wed. dinner:** Maxime, Doug * **Thu. dinner:** Liou * **Fri. dinner:** ### Unavailabilities * **Mon. dinner:** Marynia, Maxime * **Tue. dinner:** Marynia, Maxime, Thomas * **Wed. dinner:** * **Thu. dinner:** Astrid, Thomas * **Fri. dinner:** Maxime, Astrid * **Week:** Larissa, Timber, Antonin
{"title":"Coordination Meeting","date":"2025-01-13","taxonomy":{"tag":["come"]}}